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Expense Management Tips for CFOs and Controllers

Expense Management Tips for CFOs and Controllers

CFOs and Controllers do more than crunch numbers, manage a company’s budget, and protect its financial assets. 他们必须获取关键绩效指标(kpi),这些指标可以为组织的未来进程提供信息, however, they cannot achieve this without timely, accurate, and complete data. Since employee travel and entertainment (T&E)对许多企业来说是一笔很大的开支(工资和福利是第一位的)。, 员工费用管理比以往任何时候都更加重要. 这里有一些建议,可以帮助首席财务官和财务主管简化公司的费用管理,以获得更好的控制和更快的速度, more valuable data for analysis.

Resource: How a Fractional CFO can enhance business growth

1. Review your accounting system’s organization

Typically, accounting systems have pre-designated accounts, but these tend to be general and, therefore, not relevant to your specific company. 例如,“旅行”可以涵盖多种费用类型,包括机票, rental cars, mileage, etc.,管制员需要知道每种运输方式的成本. So, your chart of accounts needs to be more granular, based on where expenses fit within your budget, 以便对具体费用类型进行更详细的分析.

会计系统应该由反映你如何审查你的数据(部门)的报告单位来组织, locations, company products, etc.). 会计科目表将用于每一指定的报告单位. 这提供了具体花费多少的可见性.

2. 根据你的会计系统编制预算

Many companies don’t have a well-developed budget, making expense management much more difficult. 会计系统中的预算应遵循报告单位的组织结构,并与会计表中的粒度级别相匹配. For example, 如果旅行或餐饮和娱乐被分成子账户, the budget should mirror that. 这确保了一致的费用分配,并允许详细的分析.

使预算制定成为一项集体努力,以培养内在的问责制. 涉及受影响报告单位的管理人员(如上所述), 让实际支出的员工参与进来. By doing this, 您可以创建真实反映组织实际情况的粒度级预算. 这不仅支持问责制,而且还可以更容易地看到在审查过程中可能出现的任何问题.

Resource: Red flags to look for in an accounting department

3. Establish a clear employee expense policy

Without clear spending and reporting policies, employees can easily make mistakes, forget to capture data, 甚至欺骗你的系统来提高报销. 混乱的费用捕获会导致不准确的(通常是延迟的)报告和分析.

An expense policy should identify:

  • What expenses are acceptable (or not)
  • Spending thresholds
  • The expense report review and reimbursement process
  • 收据提交和报销的预期时间表

4. Use the technology available to you

Technology platforms designed for 公司费用管理简化了这一过程. 它们使立即上传收据变得简单而高效, 内置参数为更快的报销扫清了道路,消除了大多数预审批的需要,并为用户提供了清晰的分步说明. 旅行者可以给收据拍照,而不是收集成堆的小文件,然后自动将它们整理成一份费用报告,直接交给正确的人审批和报销.


  • Assured accuracy and completeness of data
  • 在费用分类方面消除人为错误
  • 及时性——实时同步意味着账户对账, 每月的结账流程可以更快更有效地进行
  • Earlier, more thorough financial review
  • 加强质量控制内置费用政策,确保所有费用符合公司批准标准并经过审查
  • 共同管理记账,包括产生费用的员工
  • Automatic updates to relevant tax law changes (例如,对于餐费扣除),确保批准是基于当前的规则

As technology advances across the board, 对于您来说,拥有内置的审查和遵从性流程非常关键,以便在进行审计时, 你可以避免对不符合政策的收据进行加记. To gain all of these advantages, however, 这是至关重要的,这项技术是同步与您的图表帐户, just like your budget.  

严格为费用管理(获取和上传报销收据)而设计的平台可能很有用,但往往过于有限. As controller, you need to track spending on hotels, rentals, and so on, 但是,一个解决旅行后勤方面(特别是预订)的平台可以帮助简化和控制员工端到端的支出.

5. Choose the best technology for your company

  • Every business is different, 因此,首先要想清楚你的公司在旅行方面的独特之处, 然后寻找允许定制的软件平台,以满足您的特定需求. 最重要的是与你的会计系统同步的能力.
  • Take the time to review multiple options before making a decision. 尝试一下,以获得一个真实的感觉,他们如何(或是否)可能适合你. 大多数软件公司允许你在系统中测试自己的数据,看看它是如何工作的.
  • 彻底培训每个使用该软件的人(旅行者), internal managers, and yourself as CFO) on using the platform. 否则,它就不能很好地为你服务,也不能作为公司的费用管理工具.

With an inclusive process for developing the budget, broader accountability for spending, and technology that supports timely, accurate, and comprehensive data gathering, 首席财务官和财务总监可以控制公司的费用管理,并对未来的支出做出明智的决定.


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