


如果增长是你公司的目标,那么 M&一个顾问 能成为你的宝贵财富吗. 在高水平上, they can provide you with an underst和ing of the market, 竞争的加剧, 以及你的公司在这个大环境中的位置. When you engage with one of these experts here are some of the ways you can benefit. 


一个M&顾问可以帮助执行SWOT(优势), 弱点, 机会, threats) analysis based on identifying a pathway for growth. A self-assessment can easily be influenced by biases that a business may not even be aware that it holds. 这些偏见会影响结果. M .提供的外部视图&顾问可以降低这种风险.

Their knowledge of the marketplace can help a business leader get more thorough answers to questions about what is going well, 什么不是, 可以改进的地方, 你的竞争对手在做什么.

有了这些知识, leaders can decide whether an organic growth strategy or an acquisition may make more sense. The SWOT analysis can inform things like how to leverage a strength that differentiates you from competitors so you can capture a new opportunity. 一个M&一个顾问 may be able to see an internal weakness that needs to be transformed or addressed through a strategic acquisition. They may see an opportunity in the marketplace that can be capitalized upon if a company moves quickly. They may also be able to help a company build a defense to counter threats to their business through either a transformation or an acquisition.

The findings from this type of work is critical to determining what your company is worth if you are planning on looking for a buyer.


M&交易是非常复杂的, with a lot of moving parts that have to come together in the right way at the right time for a deal to successfully close. 一个M&一个顾问 educates 和 guides buyers or sellers regarding what to expect in terms of:

  • 时间的承诺
  • 资源需求
  • The long list of detailed questions that need to be answered
  • 在流程进行时进行管理 以及下一步该做什么

你的意图是什么?? 如果你想出售,你就想最大化价值. If you go through an auction process, you will need an investment banker or broker. If you are buying a very complex business that operates in multiple geographies, 包括国际领土, 这会影响你的税务计划. 如果你是M&一个顾问 is not an expert in one of your particular need areas, they will be able to connect you with professionals who can provide answers 和 guidance.


卖家想知道他们的生意可能值多少钱. Buyers want to know that, too, along with likely risk from a financial perspective. 一个M&一个顾问 can help set realistic expectations 和 identify initiatives that, 随着时间的推移, 能否通过提高性能来进一步提升价值.

For example, a great run rate for one month is not enough. How can you get a run rate that is three to five months long to show consistency which will help improve value? If the company’s financials are not in accordance with Generally Accepted 会计 Principles (GAAP), 然后是M&一个顾问 can help create adjusted financial statements that are commonized.

Owners typically look at their business through their own lens, whereas an M&一个顾问 can see things through a different lens based on their experience. 他们知道该问什么问题,以及如何深入挖掘. They will examine the financials in such detail that they may end up underst和ing the business better than many from the business from a financial perspective. They can help set up the financials from an analytics or metrics perspective, focusing on the 最相关的关键绩效指标(kpi).

构建一个n Integration Strategy 和 Synergies for the Buyer

买家都在展望未来. The goal is to paint a picture of what the company will look like going forward, 如何通过收购实现价值最大化, 和 如何确保无缝集成. 一个M&一个顾问 helps buyers consider not only cost synergies but also revenue synergies 和 the longer-term view of how to operate 和 exp和 the business. An advisor can help to identify both risks 和 机会. 例如, 合并后的公司能简化其供应链吗, 对现有客户进行交叉销售, 或者在适当的时候进入一个新的市场? 一个M&一个顾问 can help a business leader see places where 1+1=3.

资源: 《优德app下载》


For most owners, exit is the ultimate destination on their 战略业务增长路线图. The more planning you can do, the better your outcome will be. 引入M&一个顾问 one to three years in advance facilitates more effective planning, giving you time to maximize the company’s value or get it to the point where you can h和 it over with confidence, 无论你是在进行业务转型还是出售.

资源: 《优德app下载》

If you are going to transition the business, you still need a 个人退出计划. Part of that must include ensuring the person stepping into the new leader role is prepared for success 和 underst和s the business relationships 和 the drivers of value for the company.

一个M&一个顾问 can help you discern what that involves by assisting with things like a SWOT assessment, 差距分析,提高运转率, or establishing 和 tracking financial performance indicators. They will introduce you to additional professional advisors with the resources to support every aspect of your transaction—investment bankers, 经纪人, 法律专家, 和 税收的战略家.

With big-picture advice, specific assistance on technical areas, 和 the right connections, an M&一个顾问 can help buyers 和 sellers get the most from their business growth strategy. 




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