
Differences Between Interim, Part-Time, and 部分首席财务官s

Differences Between Interim, Part-Time, and 部分首席财务官s

It is essential to clearly understand your company’s 金融 status and outlook in order to operate efficiently and plan effectively. You can achieve that with the expertise a chief 金融 officer (首席财务官) brings to the table. However, many companies do not need a full-time 首席财务官. That is especially true for start-ups and small-to-medium-sized companies.

关键是获得正确的专业知识. That depends on your current status, short-term needs, and long-term goals. For your less-than-full-time 金融 management needs, 你可以雇个临时工, 兼职, 或分数首席财务官. 但哪一个才是正确的?

表面上看, these may simply seem like different titles for the same role, as there is a lot of crossover between definitions. Understanding your needs and goals will help you ask the right questions so you can make the most valuable hiring decision. Keep in mind that you may set out thinking you need one type of engagement when, 在现实中, 你需要另一个. 


An interim 首席财务官 is someone who steps in on a temporary basis, typically if there is a gap between one 首席财务官 leaving and a new one being hired. 的 interim 首席财务官’s role is to keep things moving forward smoothly.


A 兼职 首席财务官 is someone who works for your company on an ongoing basis but puts in fewer hours than a full-time 首席财务官 would. 的 兼职 首席财务官 may be an employee, or they may be a contractor. 的ir role is to fulfill all key 首席财务官 responsibilities, but they only need to be on hand two or three days a week on a regular basis. When they are not working for you, they may work 兼职 for some other company. 


A fractional 首席财务官 also works less than full-time for your business, but in a way that is distinctly different from how a 兼职 首席财务官 operates. 的 分数首席财务官是外包专家 谁在有限的一段时间内进来, usually to help your company prepare for growth or address specific 金融 issues. 的y may return for another engagement in the future, 如果需要, but they do not work with your company on an ongoing, 就像兼职首席财务官那样.

A fractional 首席财务官 is a consultant rather than a hands-on manager. 他们的工作目标明确. You can leverage their expertise according to what you need right now, without paying them to spend time in areas where you do not need help.

While a 兼职 首席财务官 has a regular office schedule, a fractional 首席财务官 may not spend much time at your place of business except as necessary to achieve the goal(s) of their engagement with you. But that does not mean they are not working on your behalf. 的y have other clients, so how they spend their time fluctuates. 因为他们和各种各样的公司合作, they may have valuable insights from that experience that can benefit your business. 

Should You Choose an Interim, Part-Time, or 部分首席财务官?

It is easy to know if you need an interim 首席财务官—your 首席财务官 left and you need a high-level “temp” to ensure nothing slips through the cracks while you search for a new permanent 首席财务官. But it can be more difficult to decide if your company should hire a 兼职 versus a fractional 首席财务官.

You might say that a 兼职 首席财务官 is a generalist, 处理财务总监的日常工作, whereas the fractional 首席财务官 may serve as a troubleshooter and advisor to improve 金融 systems or help navigate a special event, 比如准备IPO或上市&一个事务.

例如, Brownsworth合并, 隶属于母公司紫禁控股, needed high-level executive advice on whether to hire a full-time 首席财务官 or go the fractional route when their 首席财务官 of 20 years left the company. 

“I wasn’t sure what level of person we needed in this position,布鲁斯·科恩说, 禁宾德控股公司的首席执行官. 格雷格•史密斯, accounting and management outsourcing practice lead from Redpath, was brought in.

“Greg’s job was to provide reliable 金融s primarily,科恩说, “but I could get his perspective on a lot of the things that I was having to make decisions on…During Greg’s time here, we had to renegotiate our insurance packages [and] look at our health care and benefits packages.”


To understand whether 兼职 or fractional would serve your company best, 你首先需要了解公司的需求, 然后将位置与之匹配.

例如, a start-up needs to establish strong accounting and reporting processes, 适当的kpi, 以此密切监测进展情况. An older, midsize company might need help to prepare for an audit or complete a strategic analysis. Even a large company like Forbinde Hold might want to bring in specialized expertise to assist with a transition, 出售, 收购, 或者一个特定的项目.

As your company grows, your 首席财务官 needs are likely to change. You can consider increasing your 兼职 首席财务官’s hours or decide to hire a full-time, 代替常任首席财务官. And you can always bring in a fractional 首席财务官 if circumstances indicate the need for specialized expertise.全职太贵了? 分制首席财务官可能是你的最佳解决方案

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